Kimbob's Wineblog

Wine advice from regular people. Most wines blogged are under $10 per bottle. Disclaimer: We are not professional wine tasters. Just because we liked it doesn't mean you will. :0)

Monday, September 19, 2005

What a Summer!

I'm sure all of our loyal readers were wondering what happened to us. Pining for a KimBob blog. We are so sorry we let you down. We had a crazy summer. So many things happened, and I will get to them all, but first, the most important item...what happened to the viscous dog named Arty in the drunk "petter" incident???
Three court appearances with our attorney and $1089.00 later and all of the charges were dropped. Arty has a clean record and is free to defend himself once more. (Although we hope he doesn't) Isn't America a wonderful country!?!?
The Bob part of this blog has chosen a new career path and is now a
Mudlogger. (We have my Uncle to thank for this). His new job requires him to work outside of beautiful Colorado for weeks at a time so I am left here alone to fend for myself and try to keep the house, our kids, our dogs, our business and fulfill my obligations as a realtor. What? Me bitter? How silly!
On the bright side, when he is home it is for a couple of weeks which in a weird way gives us more time together, which is very nice. I get the Honey-do list and bring the whip thing you know, we are all caught up on household to-do's. Then he goes back to work. Perfect.
One other big event happened this summer. My son had to have hip surgery and was in a body cast for way too long. Taking care of him was very time consuming. On the bright side, his legs won't hurt anymore once he heals completely.
Enough small talk. Let's get on to what you are really here for...the wine blog.
Trinity Oaks 1999, Red Zinfandel, California. $3.99. Ok, sometimes you get what you pay for. It was on sale from $9.99. Honestly, I have only one word to describe it.
NYQUIL. That is EXACTLY what is tasted like. It was so bad that the Bob part of Kim poured it down the sink. THE SINK! THE KITCHEN SINK! He never wastes wine. To do so would be sacreligous. Thank goodness he picked up 2 bottles, we chased it with oh so predictable Columbia Crest, 2001, Merlot. Not my favorite. Smooth, but too sweet, but delicious none-the-less after the Nyquil wine. If you have to drink Trinity Oaks, make it after your 4th bottle or so, then go to bed so you can rest.
I think J-Dog may like it. He likes everything.
More to come...


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